Youth Ministry

The youth ministry of any church is an accurate gauge to the spirituality of that church.  When a youth department is more of a social club used to entertain its youth (junior high and high school teens) than a biblical ministry, it is only a by-product of a faulty philosophy that stems from the church itself.  Faith Baptist Church desires to have biblical ministry to our young people that not only challenges them with the truths of God's Word, but changes them through the power of God to be "salt and light" in a dark world.  We want our young people to not only know the truths from Scripture, but to defend the Scripture as absolute truth.  Our goal for them is not for them to know the stories of the Bible, but to be experiencing the God of the Bible in a living relationship with Him through Christ.

While the church is an important part of preparing young people for adulthood and service to God, FBC sees our role in assisting parents in their primary role of training their children.  We do this not only through the teaching our young people receive, but through experienced youth workers who model the Christian life before them.  We absolutely love teens and would be honored to have the opportunity of ministering to your teens for the glory of Christ.

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